1x GARMIN GPS-500W TAWS P/N 011-01063-40, S/N 97250196 14 Volt und 28 Volt
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Das 500W TAWS ist auf neustem Softwarestand
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Das Garmin GPS 500W WAAS TAWS wird im Kundenauftrag aufgrund eines Avionik Upgrades verkauft. Geprüft mit Form 8130 und sofort einsetzbar.
Ein super Deal. Keine Garantie von unserer Seite.
Fly WAAS Approaches
GPS 500W comes with built-in WAAS navigation capabilities. It is approved to fly LPV “glideslope” approaches without reference to ground-based navaids of any kind. Featuring an advanced 15-channel receiver capable of five position updates per second, GPS 500W meets the FAA's stringent TSO C146a standards for WAAS "sole means" navigation — providing vertical and lateral approach guidance into thousands of U.S. airports previously inaccessible in IFR conditions.
Get High-Resolution Mapping
GPS 500W's 5-inch high-contrast display with brilliant colors makes it easy to read and interpret pilot-critical information. Effective use of color makes it easy to see your position relative to ground features, chart data, navaids, flight plan routings, approach procedures and more. Conveniently scan information from wide viewing angles, even in direct sunlight.
System (TAWS) functionality to the GNS 530 and GPS 500. This certification enables the Garmin 500 series of panel-mount avionics to provide the pilot with graphical and audible alerts of potential terrain and obstacle conflicts along the flight path.
"TAWS technology represents a significant advance in flight safety and its widespread adoption could dramatically reduce the number of terrain-related accidents - one of the leading causes of fatalities in aviation," said Gary Kelley, Garmin's director of marketing.
"Not only does Garmin's TAWS certification for the GNS 530 and GPS 500 help owners of turbine-powered aircraft meet an important FAA mandate, but it also makes TAWS functionality affordable to thousands of single- and twin-engine piston aircraft owners at a fraction of the cost of other systems."
The addition of TAWS enables the GNS 530 and GPS 500 to graphically display the surrounding terrain and obstacles in bright yellow and red, relative to the aircraft's current altitude. Yellow is used to depict conflicts 1,000 to 100 vertical feet below the aircraft.
Red is used to depict conflicts 100 vertical feet below the aircraft's current altitude and above. Working in tandem with the aircraft's audio system, the TAWS-certified GNS 530 and GPS 500 provide audible cautions and warnings to alert the pilot of a possible terrain and obstacle conflict.
Audible and graphical alerts include forward-looking terrain avoidance, imminent terrain impact, premature descent during approach, altitude loss after takeoff, 500-foot callout and excessive rate of descent.
Enhance Situational Awareness
GNS 500W seamlessly integrates built-in terrain and navigation databases, providing a clear, concise picture of where you are and where you’re heading. The 500W's huge Jeppesen® database, updated with front-loading data cards, contains location reference for all airports, VORs, NDBs, Intersections, Flight Service Stations, published approaches, SIDs/STARs, Special Use Airspace and geopolitical boundaries. A detailed basemap clearly shows airports, cities, highways, railroads, rivers, lakes, coastlines and more. Using information from the built-in terrain and U.S. obstacles databases, the 500W displays color coding to graphically alert you when proximity conflicts loom ahead. In addition, you can augment GNS 500W with optional Class-B Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) for an extra margin of safety in the air.
Operate with Ease
GPS 500W is one smart box that is simple to operate. Thanks to intuitive software, logical page design and efficient knob layout, this unit makes so much information easy to use. Its user-configurable display simplifies access to massive amounts of pilot-specific data.
Expand Your Panel Mount
GPS 500W is easy to interface with a wide array of optional sensors and tracking systems, allowing you to see and avoid hazards such as threatening weather, lightning or air traffic. With an optional subscription to XM WX Satellite Weather™ and the addition of the datalink receiver, you’ll have access to high resolution weather for the U.S., right in the cockpit. Information includes NEXRAD, METARs, TAFs, lightning and more and can be laid directly over Jeppesen and topographic map databases. With an additional monthly service fee, GDL 69A delivers XM Satellite Radio to your aircraft. Add the Garmin GTX 330 Mode S transponder, and GPS 500W will also display Traffic Information Services (TIS) alerts that identify surrounding air traffic.